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Fake Look II.Fake Look II.Fake Look II.Fake Look II.Fake Look II.Fake Look II.Fake Look II.Fake Look II.Fake Look II.Fake Look II.

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Fake Look II.
Fake Look II.
Fake Look II.
Fake Look II.
Fake Look II.
Fake Look II.
Fake Look II.
Fake Look II.
Fake Look II.
Fake Look II.
Fake Look II.
Image of your art work hanging on the wall
Image of your art work hanging on the wall
Image of your art work hanging on the wall
Image of your art work hanging on the wall
Image of your art work hanging on the wall
Image of your art work hanging on the wall

Fake Look II.


W 39.00cm x H 53.00cm x D 1.00cm

USD $5,800.00

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  • About this Fake Look II.





    Original Artwork




    Artists' signatures on the front of the artworks




    The narrative goes something like this: males without mental disorders lie and seem cool, so I must trust them. The act comes not only from the cool work he does but also from the fact that behind the cool look lies a person who lacks empathy, is not cute, honest, loving, and who despises people, making them power-hungry, selfish, and evil. They also created an industry that emphasizes strength, work, money, and material possessions over the most important thing—that is, the love that sweet people possess, and which is necessary for people to feel good.

    The painting makes it clear that he is essentially trying to use his looks in order to attract women to have lovely sex because he fears rejection from them and feels small (as you are not allowed to in his world) because of his desire for power, which I find stupid. However, the key words, the cool graffiti letters, and the peace symbol serve as evidence that he is not who he seems to be and is therefore not cute, honest, loving, or empathetic. His stupid behavior angers and frustrates me since it shows that he is not a sweet, honest, and loving person.

    Normally, I consider it lovely and fun to interact with women and kiss with them, but because of that and the fact of a lack of love, I was mistreated as a child, frequently being scolded, yelled at, and humiliated by a false, evil, and tyrannical father. This is what I want to represent as the absence of love in the artwork. He was aware that he might instill a mental disorder in me, causing me to become afraid, reticent, and quiet. After 45 years, I first knew the background because no one supported me, told me about life, or gave me love.

  • About this artist






    Shapes and colors represent my aspirations, fears, and inner monologue. Instead of praising achievements, I highlight qualities like sweetness, honesty, empathy, and love. My life story is incomplete without love. I came from a world where men are wicked, egotistical, stupid, harsh, and dishonest. Because of them, I transitioned from being a happy, loving person to developing a mental disorder and experiencing feelings of social anxiety and frustration. From a young age forward, this occurrence made me afraid of women. For males, having sex with women is the ultimate fulfillment of their dreams. When love is absent, jealousy and malicious intentions flourish.

    I hope that individuals might become more honest, authentic, accepting, loving, and courageous by seeing the parallels between fake looks, living masks, being oneself, and cool performances. The tribal way of life is quite like the loving way of life, yet love promotes harmony, peace, and happiness, and my goal is to bring these things together somehow. I promote liberation, simplicity, tolerance, calm, self-expression, and a love revolution through the iconography of indigenous people and my sweet, loving artwork. I banish evil and fear, paving the way for love, harmony, and peace so that people are happy and fulfilled in every aspect of their lives.

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