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My Name is Bon 3My Name is Bon 3

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My Name is Bon 3
My Name is Bon 3
My Name is Bon 3

My Name is Bon 3


W 44.00cm x H 62.00cm x D 3.00cm

USD $2,000.00

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    Original Artwork




    Artists' printed signature


    Glass frame


    전통채색화와 디지털 회화를 결합하여 안온한 메시지를 전하는 작가 이지현입니다. 한국의 전통소재인 책거리의 이미지를 차용하고 여기에 현대적인 키덜트피규어의 이미지를 결합하여 과거로부터 현대로 이어지는 인간의 욕망을 함께 담아내는 작업을 하고 있습니다. 끝없는 경쟁과 적응할 여유없이 빠르게 변화하는 시대에 살아가는 우리는 언제 뒤처질지 모르는 두려움에 하루를 살아갑니다. 이번에 출품한 BON은 새롭게 창작된 캐릭터로 바쁘게 살아가는 우리들에게 현실을 잊고 잠시나마 쉬게 해주는 유희의 친구이며, 유토피아인 가상세계로 매니아적 일탈을 꿈꾸게 하는 안내자입니다.

  • About this artist

    Lee Ji Hyun

    Lee Ji Hyun

    South Korea



    I wanted to know the commonality appearing differently in the spirit of the time and the backside of culture in the works continuing from the past to the modern times for a long time.
    As time passed by, I came to focus more on the human desires settled on the base, rather than the similarity of the techniques, like expression method for the commonality, and in this sense, I started a series of montage with a concern about the method of showing that the human’s essential desires from the past to the present do not differ beyond time and space, but they appear in different cultures. This I think is a work of showing one section of parallel theory through overlap.

    In the modern times, in which something new is infinitely produced, and things change quickly while people have no time to adapt and get used to, in the chaos of excessive information, keen competition, the helplessness not able to take advantage of new culture, and the barren social atmosphere, in which ‘untact’ becomes daily routine, we find our lives difficult and come to be unsatisfied with reality. Be@rbrick expressed in my works is a typical object that allows the social phenomenon of kidultism appearing in this hostile world to be settled as a culture of new amusement and healing among the modern people. These materials of kidult culture are a culture of amusement that allows modern people living with obsession that they may fall behind in competition in reality to forget the reality and rest for a while and a pathway to the dream of an enthusiastic deviation to the public who are tired of the older generation’ stereotyped values and suffocating cultural monophagia.
    In a sense, ‘montage’ is another self-portrait of ours.

    I would like a series of montage to be happy portraits that make us dream.

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