This abstract was one I created dynamically and in the moment. Resin cures quickly so when I make dynamic paintings I have to move fast. Working with a large blade and several pigmented cups of resin, I intermixed the tones by pouring them, and used the 16 inch blade to pull them across the canvas, creating beautiful waterfall-like effects on the vertical lines, and speckled with metallics effects on the other areas. After this, I applied gold lines that give it structure and form, a whisper of image and composition to an abstractscape. Finally, a clear layer of resin went over that a few days after. The clear layer pulls in light and lets it suspend and dance overhead, setting the gold tones aglow and deepening the richness of the dark blue. It also creates an "infinity pool" effect where the resin domes and meets the hardwood sides that are hand sanded and oiled to highlight their natural beauty,