From the series "The Golden Ones"
"Children are the future of humanity, they are the hope of humanity", that is the slogan of a great Lie.
The governments of the world leave much to be desired, they do not do much to think about the future of Humanity, the only thing that interests them is economic power, selling the largest number of products, without thinking about whether or not they cause harm to the world. environment.
The large percentage of products in the global market generate millions of tons of garbage and toxic waste, either because companies use plastics to package or ship their products or because of direct pollution to rivers and seas with their industrial rights.
We have little or no time to change that ...
The boy's face in blue represents his sadness, how cloudy he sees his future. At the bottom of the work, there is the golden color, symbol of a small hope, somewhat cloudy and very small, but in the end a hope.
Work Mixed on canvas (oil and acrylic)