From the series "The Golden Ones"
Bulls and cows have been an intrinsic part of the development of humanity, the bull or ox, to plow the land and the cow to give milk, both have been food for humanity. In this case, the fighting bull began to take a turn in its history, being used as a spectacle for the crowd, for the people, for their entertainment.
Now with the awareness of much of modern civilization, animals are already recognized their rights, to live without violence, free in the best of cases and dying is pain. “La Fiesta Brava”, as bullfights are known as that, have been in decline, in many countries they have already been banned, and it is a fact that will soon be worldwide.
I did the work in homage to that noble animal, the blue represents his feelings and the red represents his bravery and courage.
Work done in Mixed technique on canvas, contains oil and acrylic