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c.y No.28
c.y No.28

c.y No.28


W 38.00cm x H 45.50cm x D 2.00cm

USD $668.76

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  • About this c.y No.28



    Painting (Acrylic painting)


    Original Artwork




    Artists' signature on the front of the canvas




    I just face the screen in front of me. I play with colors, shapes, and paints as my mind and body move at that moment. I keep the feeling of excitement in my heart and honestly use my body, not my mind. I paint everyday as if I were keeping a diary. I use hemp canvas for my support. I use hemp canvas as my support because it gives me a sense of security, allowing me to add as many layers of color as I like without weakening or damaging the canvas. Acrylic paint dries quickly and seems to go well with it, allowing me to work at my own pace as I wish. The surface is coated with varnish and acrylic paint is water-resistant, so I think the work is strong.

  • About this artist



    I paint as my mind and hands move, as if I am in dialogue with the screen. Sometimes it is as if I am writing a diary, and sometimes the picture takes me by the hand and takes me somewhere. I am free to have adventures on the screen.

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