From the point of view of quantum mechanics, the universe consists of only 17 kinds of elementary particles. In astrophysics, about 70% of the rest is unknown, called dark energy.
In other words, it can be said that there is no boundary between this vast galaxy and "I". Just like Schrodinger's cat, if I exist as an individual just by being conscious, then by expanding my consciousness, it can be said that "everything in this world is me "
I am interested in letters. For example, fingerprints on human fingers and roots of trees in forests are in perfect balance and harmonize with each other. I believe that letters are the expression of a common galactic consciousness in the form of patterns.
In my search for a fundamental shape, I began to see figures descend from the heavens (universe) with my ego-free intuition. However, since the shape is easily forgotten, the moment the image comes down, I work day and night. In Japan, there are Shindai characters that existed more than 5,500 years ago, but they are more fundamental characters than that.
Galactic Words contain messages to living people. Each word comprises of 100,000 galactic guidance. Among them, it is a miracle that the sun rises in the same way every day and that we are still alive. There are things that you notice when you feel ordinary happiness.