In his recent works, he takes the perspective of "staged objects" and "devices for staging" there, and by looking through multiple works (scenes), he creates a series of works and shapes what could not be judged from one scene alone and the possibilities that may extend to the outer realm. The relationship between the two is like the relationship between a work of art, such as a drama or a movie, and the filming set used to shoot it in video production. In the performing arts, a stage production seen from the audience's perspective and a stage set-up such as Haribote or Shobari as seen from backstage. The difference in perspectives is similar to the difference in mass media information, such as before and after information and images that have been cropped and labeled fake news. The "staged object" and the "device for staging" that may be in the same space and in close proximity can be seen and seen very differently with just a slight change in perspective. The importance of perceiving things from multiple perspectives is expressed through the staged scene.