Once upon a time, a friend and I, out of curiosity, had our "past lives" looked at at a fortune-telling house in Yokohama Chinatown. There, I was told that I was the queen of a civilization that flourished in the middle of the Nefud Desert, and that I had only one son. She was the only woman who struggled and struggled alone to rule her civilization. Apparently, the desert is located in the northern interior of the Arabian Peninsula. Whether she had a previous life or not, I thought at the time that it was interesting that the fortune teller could come up with such a story. And if he got the story of "a lonely queen ruling the desert" from my impression, it may have exuded what was imposed on me. *I create original frames. I color it to match the artwork. It is an earth-colored frame. I reflect my view of the world not only in the artwork but also in the frame.