The second installment of Imagination - Imagination - is an even deeper exploration of the presence and appearance of God. In this work, the light still shines in a mysterious white, surrounded by gold, evoking a sense of holiness and warmth. But this light does not just shine; it is an entity that absorbs and transforms our anxieties and conflicts. The darkest parts of our hearts and muddled emotions are illuminated by the light, purified, and transformed into a white peace of mind. This process seems to embody an inner rebirth. The light of hope depicted in the works is still small but definitely exists. It spreads from within the individual and has the potential to eventually encompass the entire universe. This is a work that allows us to pray for and feel the coming of such peace every day. Through this work, we hope to provide an opportunity for the viewer to communicate with his or her own heart and feel something sacred.