"I know all too well where the temptation to be sad when things are going well comes from. You say to yourself, 'It won't be good for long, it's about to get bad again, so I'd rather start suffering right now so I don't have to learn all over again later...'". Max Fry.
Sadness arises as a consequence of the loss of something important or the result of an unfulfilled desire. Something that was important, filled from the inside, is suddenly gone, and the person cannot control this departure and stop it. If there was a strong desire that did not come true, anger first arises - as a means of achieving what is desired. If it did not help to achieve what is desired, sadness takes its place.
The way to express sadness in a healthy way is to live with it the moment it occurs. However, the most important and sometimes most difficult thing is for the person themselves to acknowledge the fact that they are sad. Not to try to downplay their sadness, not to devalue it by making fun of it, not to try to convince themselves that there is nothing to worry about. Only by acknowledging and accepting our sadness can we explore it, let it pass freely through our body without lingering in it.
A series of 10 works reflecting some of our states throughout life. They may accompany us individually or in groups, they may come and go, some we may not have experienced and never will.
We may experience similar states to our family and friends and this is what makes us similar and brings us closer together. Or we may have a very different set of qualities and be in different states - this creates the individuality of each person.