To gray before my time.
Of sorrowful thoughts, like these wretched
The pine-tree's wreckage, twisted by the storm,
Destroyed by one winter blizzard,
And to be like that, remembering with sorrow
Of days gone by, and to wear on his forehead
And to wear the wrinkles that the years have not left on his forehead,
But only for a moment, - for a hard moment,
As dreadful as eternity! You avalanches!
You blocks of ice! You'll come upon me!
And devour my life! I hear
Your incessant rumbling, but as you topple over,
You destroy only that which longs for life:
The blooming forest or the peaceful countryside.
Byron's "Manfred."
The role of this work inexorably drew me to the biographies of famous people and artists.I was fascinated by music and dance, body and soul, my idols were Byron and Lembrook. Nietzsche and Wagner (The Flight of the Valkyries). I idolized Lembrook by copying and appropriating him in my paintings. "Cain" and "Manfred" Byron fascinated me with the grandiosity of his ideas in 2010m I wanted to exhibit and for this I wrote "Sitting" (text I write later). The exhibition did not take place, but the idea itself touched me very much...