The paint is made in the author's technique of painting by Vasili Zianko based acrylic painting on canvas using a variety of textures, washes, the finest glazing, volumetric contours. The art-work is readable for blind and visually impaired people by touch.
The painting metaphorically depicts Ouroboros wheel - a curled
snake biting its tail. Ouroboros is a symbol of eternity and infinity, especially of cyclic nature life, alternation of creation and destruction, life and death, constant rebirth and death, the movement of space. My end is my beginning. In many myths, Ouroboros embraces the whole world and identified with the circular flow of waters surrounding the earth. It maintains the world and its existence, and at the same time, it brings death into life, and life into death. Unmoving in appearance, Ouroboros personifies perpetual motion, always returning to oneself. In Orphic cosmology, Ouroboros embraces the Cosmic Egg is identified with the revolution of the Sun. Buddhism and Hinduism Ouroboros is a symbol of the samsara wheel . A child is a solar diamond, the center of universe movement.