In this series of artworks, I engage in a multifaceted painting of flowers. The flowers are a simple object for depiction, but this simplicity allows them to be in every epoch and "isms" of the world history of art.
As previously, I was working in abstract expressionism, therefore the manner of depicting and stylistic similarity of my flowers flows from there. Such form is natural for me, and it identifies my feelings about the world. It's necessary for me to experiment with a measure of abstractness and reality in paintings, with the combination of rough distinct brushstroke and light, translucent plane. One of the elements of my practice is the inversion of a picture; I often experiment with depicting the changes in one image depending on background tone differences and respectively, the tone and color of flowers. The titles of my paintings is understandable ( "Pink flower", "Yellow flower"), as I avoid additional emotional connotation, therefore I left them open for all viewers.