Soviet propaganda was using children to advertise their leaders.
"Lenin and Сhildren" is a traditional theme of propaganda texts and images where Lenin communicates with children showing the best qualities ( kindness, simplicity, immediacy, wisdom) and sharing all kinds of advice and ordinances with the growing builders of communism.
Staling also liked to be spotted in the public eye, supposing a cheerful pioneer with rosy cheeks was a real advertisement of the socialist system he had built.
At the same time, visualization of the slogan “Thanks to comrade Stalin for our happy childhood” was much more effective and convincing than the fact that it was "father of the people" who gave the term “children of the enemies of the people” to humanity.
And millions of Soviet children became orphans because of the dictator's help, and many of them “enjoyed their lives” not on parades and holidays but in Siberia camps. The time came for things to get sorted out.
For the modern generation, once-formidable dictators are only unknown persons whose portraits can be dripped with paint.
Let these portraits painted by children be a reminder that any misanthropic regime is doomed to death and its leaders to oblivion.
Unframed painting 55 x 85 cm.