Forrest Gump is a fictional character from the 1994 American epic romantic-comedy-drama film "Forrest Gump" directed by Robert Zemeckis. In the film, Forrest Gump is portrayed as a man with an IQ of 75 who overcomes various challenges in his life and becomes a successful athlete, businessman, and war hero.
Forrest Gump is a runner because he discovers that he has a talent for running during his childhood. When he was a child, he had to wear leg braces to correct a spinal deformity, which made it difficult for him to walk properly. However, when he was being bullied by some boys, he started to run away from them and discovered that he could run very fast.
After this experience, he started to run for fun and eventually became a successful athlete. He played football in high school and college, but it was his talent for running that caught the attention of his coach, who encouraged him to pursue a career in running. Forrest eventually runs for the United States Army and wins several medals, including the Medal of Honor.
Forrest Gump's running ability is also a metaphor for his perseverance and determination in life. Despite facing many challenges and obstacles, he never gives up and always keeps running towards his goals. His running also serves as a way for him to cope with the world around him, as he often uses it to clear his mind and escape from his problems.