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circus night サーカスナイトcircus night サーカスナイトcircus night サーカスナイトcircus night サーカスナイトcircus night サーカスナイトcircus night サーカスナイト

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circus night サーカスナイト
circus night サーカスナイト
circus night サーカスナイト
circus night サーカスナイト
circus night サーカスナイト
circus night サーカスナイト
circus night サーカスナイト
Image of your art work hanging on the wall
Image of your art work hanging on the wall
Image of your art work hanging on the wall
Image of your art work hanging on the wall
Image of your art work hanging on the wall
Image of your art work hanging on the wall

circus night サーカスナイト


W 46.50cm x H 54.00cm x D 0.20cm

USD $548.38

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  • About this circus night サーカスナイト



    Painting (Acrylic painting)


    Original Artwork




    Artists' signature on the frame




    2022.F10. Watson watercolor paper. Acrylic gouache. Gesso. Framed. The Matryoshka clowns are watching over the little girl who is so good at ball-riding. The circus is about to begin!

  • About this artist



    Hiromi Nishi began painting to heal her inner child, and she creates sentimental and romantic "Otome art" inspired by the unique Japanese girl culture of the Taisho and early Showa periods, which was the foundation of Kawaii culture. The "Otome" that Nishi advocates here is not limited to teenage girls. Maiden" is a lifestyle, a chosen way of life, like a minimalist or a vegan. A "Maiden" has nothing to do with age or gender. Anyone who wants to be a "Maiden" is a Maiden.

    The opposite of kawaii is not ugly. The opposite of kawaii is correctness. Overwhelming correctness sometimes hurts people, but happy girls in excessive kawaii euphoria do not hurt anyone by not passing judgment.

    The happy girls depicted by Hiromi Nishi are a symbol that exists only in peace.

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