"Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know which one you'll get."
I think you know this quote from the famous movie. There is something in this... Although I think life is like a colorful carpet. With bright spots. Light alternate with dark, ups and downs patterns... Well , you know what I mean ? But I think it's also important to feel "your traffic light" in life. It so happens that you have to wait for time, freeze and do nothing global, so as not to get under the car of circumstances, and sometimes you need to be ready for action, assess the situation, collect information, pick up tools to act at the right time! The green light in life happens as if the circumstances and the people around even with their unintentional phrases are pushing to commit acts. It happens, of course, that the green light is burning only in your heart and your loved ones may not support you around, but there is knowledge in your heart: everything will work out, act!
To see, to respond to this traffic light of life, I think, is very, very important for every person. I'm learning, yes, yes, I'm still learning to feel it, notice it, respond to it... decorating your interior with this picture, you will forever remember the meaning that it contains. Well, I dare to hope that it will be useful to you for the good.