Portrait /modern art- Kaleidoscope of Color #1
This modern portrait of modern art is created using quality artistic paints.
Modern art abstract portrait painting contemporary artist.
The frame is an integral part of the painting.
"The Kaleidoscope of Color series is my philosophy aimed at knowing the world around us through color.
The name Kaleidoscope is not accidental. Even in ancient times, this unusual object had a multilevel meaning - as the fractal geometry of the cosmos, the beauty of chaos and order at the same time.
The meaning of color spots, their various combinations, general composition, their dynamism and staticity create visual harmony between the spiritual and physical existence to which we all strive.
The plots of this series are unobtrusive and not tied to personality. These are phantoms of the subconscious. They do not live in the real world, but where I create this world for them. "