“Fighter” has originally been inspired by the Netflix series “Glow” which is about female wrestlers and plays in the 80ies. The series is about strong female characters who are all trying to make a living on their own – independent of men, but always struggling with a male business world that seeks profit, practices exploitation and sexism. In “Glow” the females are not only strong, but also sexy and they are creating their outfits on their own. My artwork “Fighter” tries to capture the notion of this series and the impact it left on me. Therefore, I wanted to create a figure that I can relate to myself and paint an outfit I might like to wear if I was a character in the play. “Fighter” also wants to tell the audience: be a sexy woman, be strong – but also be dangerous and don’t be too nice. The scribbling lines underline that this is not real, but just a fantasy and a combination of an impression and emotion I associate with that series.