“Neptune’s Maid” has been inspired by the series “The Handmaid’s Tale” and especially the main character June. She is a strong woman, trapped in a harsh patriarchal and dystopian future scenario. The bonnet she (and other women) are wearing left such and impression that the woman in my painting also wears one. The bonnet (as in the series) represents suppression: a woman should be chaste, her hair should be covered, even her face, she must not be sexual in any way. Till today, these inflicted requirements are still valid and realized in order to control women. My maid stands for all these women. As in the series, June stands for many. However, my female figure is looking up, showing her face and even her fringe is looking out. I painted this artwork to look like a political poster for empowerment and the longing for freedom. “Neptune’s Maid” is meant universal and applicable to all that should rise from suppression.