In a distant kingdom where enchanting gardens flourished, a girl named Elisa was born. Her eyes sparkled with a deep blue color, like the purest waters of a lake, and her hair flowed like waves of the night ocean. From birth, she possessed a special gift — the ability to awaken the magic of blue flowers.
One day, when the kingdom faced ominous shadows, Elisa decided to use her unique ability to bring light and hope to people's hearts. She embarked on a perilous journey, armed with her blue flowers and golden rays of hope.
Weaving spells from blue petals and golden light, Elisa was able to banish the darkness and restore peace to the kingdom. Her courageous deeds and magical abilities turned her into a legend, and her name became a symbol of hope and strength.
Since then, new blue flowers with the magic of Elisa blossomed in the kingdom's gardens.
Material: acrylic, gilding on canvas
Dimensions: 120x120 cm (47" x 47")
Creation: Prague, November 2023
Shipped: rolled in a tube
Delivery: included
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