Uruguay is a country surrounded by coasts, and that is why the sea is part of our lives.
Painting the immensity of the ocean seen from the air, gives us the idea of freedom, the power of nature, and beauty. That is why I love its colors, its blues and turquoises, its transparency and depth. In this case, "Infinite sea", Infinite sea, it is clear my intention to search for movement, that continuous flow of the sea, without limits, almost desolate, only with the presence of two seagulls, which create an atmosphere of solitude and at the same time of peace. The work is painted entirely with spatulas, almost abstractly, to generate those movements and leaving the marks of the tools used. There is impasto and volume, and also a certain abstraction, not being a realistic beach. On the back of the painting, there are the data of this and the number of registration of works.