I remember it was a winter's evening, close to my birthday. I was in my old room when I picked up my red folder in which I keep various sketches I've drawn during my journey, including my teenage years. I sat down on the bed and began to leaf through each one. Looking at my sketches, I noticed a pattern. At certain times I always went back to sketching different looks. At that point, I began to think: what was the reason I was drawing them? After concentrating on my silence, I had an insight. I concluded my thoughts with the certainty that each and every look has a valuable power in commonꓽ to express feelings and words. We are capable of expressing ourselves through a simple look, without even needing to babble or open our mouths. And it's magical how through our gaze we have the power to reflect the purest depths of our being, even if we don't want to. This is a natural and spontaneous occurrence, just like my creative process. It was then that I realized the harmony that, until a minute ago, had made me draw them unconsciously. Inspired by my old strokes, I materialized this work. For the first time, I allowed myself to let the spatula direct the movement of my hands, giving shape and texture to the contours of my eyes. It was an incredible experience that delighted me in every detail of this unique creative process.
P.S: the Work encompasses a framed symbolism. It is a message that reflects the intention of the Work, being an original method of my own. Contemplation of the work and symbolism enhances your well-being and inner peace, in addition to sharpening your creativity. Symbolism: The subtle energy of the brown tones conveys a sense of truth, prosperity and vigilance. Contemplating these colors materialized in a soft gaze strengthens the intention to obtain positive results through the observation of good conduct. The balance of the gaze concludes an attunement with the Good. The eye is the window of the soul, through which we contemplate positive things that will bring pleasant results to our Being.