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Awakening 1Awakening 1Awakening 1

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Awakening 1
Awakening 1
Awakening 1
Awakening 1
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Image of your art work hanging on the wall
Image of your art work hanging on the wall
Image of your art work hanging on the wall
Image of your art work hanging on the wall

Awakening 1


W 14.00cm x H 18.00cm x D 2.00cm

USD $428.01

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  • About this Awakening 1



    Painting (Acrylic painting)


    Original Artwork




    Artists' signature on the back of the artwork




    This is one of a series of mixed media works based on Da Vinci's Mona Lisa. Acrylic paint is applied to a wooden panel, transparent stickers with Mona Lisa's face printed on them are layered on top, and letters are added using a stencil to create a single painting with multiple layers.
    The meaning of her facial expression changes depending on the viewer's interest and awareness of the situation at the time. In this sense, we might say that this painting does not move but keeps moving.

  • About this artist



    Korelan began working with collages using printed materials and has since developed his work into paintings that are more free in size and matiere. In recent years, using acrylic paint, sumi ink, and alcohol ink, as well as collage, stencil printing, decalcomania, and digital output, Korelan has been exploring the world as a "temporal phenomenon" that is constantly changing and interacting with other entities, such as natural phenomena and human psychology, by utilizing "chance, combination, and plate expression. Korelan's interest is in concrete, concrete, concrete art. Korelan's interest is not in expressing something concrete, but in being open to meaning, and not in the traditional process of painting, which is a highly integrated process of looking at motifs, colors, and composition as a whole, but in the process of bringing disparate things together to finally create a unified whole. This is simply because that is what reality seems to be about. Whatever one's intentions, one does not know when, where, or by whom one will encounter phenomena, and whether or not they are important to one's life. Much is made up of coincidences, choices, and combinations, and any one event is related to another and is always in flux. Da Vinci wrote in his manuscript, "Everything is interconnected. This may be a Buddhist or Eastern rather than a Christian perception. The complex causal relationships in the world never stop moving, but Korelan attempts to capture the moment in his work.

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