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Image of your art work hanging on the wall
Image of your art work hanging on the wall



W 70.00cm x H 70.00cm x D 3.00cm

USD $1,450.00

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  • About this Defragmentation



    Painting (Acrylic painting)


    Original Artwork




    Artists' signature on the front of the canvas




    The painting poses a game of identity. Ivan MIEDHO speaks of the formation of the individual, of lived experiences, cultural heritage, fears, dreams and desires. Identity is represented with two female figures, fragmented, sharing the same universe.

    The artist plays with some abstract and geometric elements. Thus representing the rules, the limits of society and the customs that we impose on ourselves.

    Iván M.I.E.D.H.O. uses digital and traditional techniques, giving as a final result an acrylic painting mixed with pencil and conté bar. The painting is made on canvas and mounted on a frame.

  • About this artist



    I am deeply fascinated by how our modern era has managed to mold us, change us and create behaviors that did not exist before. With the era of social networks and the internet, we have all built an avatar that we show to the world, an alter ego, where we enhance the best of us and hide our weaknesses and fears. We are all perfect. But behind that perfection, messages, shadows and enigmas are hidden.
    My work speaks of those masks, the figures I paint may be perfect, or beautiful, but they hide messages. If the viewer is attentive, he or she can discover a second narrative in my paintings. In short, my art represents the frivolity of our society. I also like to play with contradictory concepts, to play with appearances and to leave the viewer with a strange, disconcerting sensation, but one that, deep down, he/she likes.
    I work with traditional painting, photography and digital illustration. For me, mixing these disciplines is to unite different worlds to create a new reality. This helps me to strengthen my concept of unreality.
    I am a person who is very influenced by pop icons and technology, but at the same time, I look with a certain nostalgia to another era where everything seemed more authentic. I am a contradiction fruit of our society.

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