Les demoiselles d'un bel endroit" is an acrylic painting on cotton canvas, 54x65 cm, with a black background dotted with white polka dots and large turquoise-blue cubes. In the foreground are four women from different cultures. The woman in the center, who appears to be looking at us, rests her head on her hand and is highlighted by a large green and red leaf housing two birds.
To her left, a woman with long blond hair holds a large straw hat to her chest, while another, in a bathing suit, also wears a large straw hat, hiding her face. On the right, a young woman with braided black hair wears flowers in her hair. A woman/doll embroidered with pearls and sequins rests on the shoulder of the redheaded woman in the center. Flowers and large leaves surround the ensemble, creating an exotic, mysterious atmosphere.