It's not about a woman's love to a concrete partner. It's about her self love, self confidence, following her inner voice and intuition. Only these kind of women can really love. Because this love someone comes from the self love abundance. Only these women can raise her partner to the "sky'' supporting with her love energy. Women can destroy and love. It's because of the energy she gives. A real woman doesn't fight for anything. Everything comes to her smoothly. And if anything goes not happy she doesn't care, she knows that it's happened for good, for her happy future, for her raising. She's pure like white color, she's intuitive like "very peri" blue violet color, she's sexy like orange color, she's fire in emotions like red color, she's dear and precious like gold color and she's tender like pink color.
I'm happy that I'm a woman! It's a honor which gave mother nature to me.
Thank you!