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"In The Clearest Summer, I Watch The Day Coming On""In The Clearest Summer, I Watch The Day Coming On""In The Clearest Summer, I Watch The Day Coming On""In The Clearest Summer, I Watch The Day Coming On""In The Clearest Summer, I Watch The Day Coming On""In The Clearest Summer, I Watch The Day Coming On""In The Clearest Summer, I Watch The Day Coming On""In The Clearest Summer, I Watch The Day Coming On""In The Clearest Summer, I Watch The Day Coming On""In The Clearest Summer, I Watch The Day Coming On""In The Clearest Summer, I Watch The Day Coming On""In The Clearest Summer, I Watch The Day Coming On"

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"In The Clearest Summer, I Watch The Day Coming On"
"In The Clearest Summer, I Watch The Day Coming On"
"In The Clearest Summer, I Watch The Day Coming On"
"In The Clearest Summer, I Watch The Day Coming On"
"In The Clearest Summer, I Watch The Day Coming On"
"In The Clearest Summer, I Watch The Day Coming On"
"In The Clearest Summer, I Watch The Day Coming On"
"In The Clearest Summer, I Watch The Day Coming On"
"In The Clearest Summer, I Watch The Day Coming On"
"In The Clearest Summer, I Watch The Day Coming On"
"In The Clearest Summer, I Watch The Day Coming On"
"In The Clearest Summer, I Watch The Day Coming On"
"In The Clearest Summer, I Watch The Day Coming On"
Image of your art work hanging on the wall
Image of your art work hanging on the wall
Image of your art work hanging on the wall
Image of your art work hanging on the wall
Image of your art work hanging on the wall
Image of your art work hanging on the wall

"In The Clearest Summer, I Watch The Day Coming On"


W 60.00cm x H 60.00cm x D 2.00cm

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  • About this "In The Clearest Summer, I Watch The Day Coming On"



    Painting (Acrylic painting)


    Original Artwork




    Artists' signature on the back of the canvas




    I painted this canvas on a stretcher assembled by my assistant in the studio. An "Arles"-type cotton canvas was stretched and prepared with 2 coats of gesso and one coat of titanium-white acrylic.
    The darker, intense orange surface is covered with a high-quality acrylic gloss varnish.

    In the height of summer, I watch the day gently come into view from my studio. The first light of dawn is like the soft notes of a cello awakening sleepy nature, while the sky gradually blossoms, evoking the promise of a day to come. These are my favorite times of day to paint.
    In this summer metaphor, the dawning day embodies hope, possibility and renewal.
    It's an invitation to embrace the light, to welcome opportunities with an open heart.
    So, to contemplate the coming day in the clearest of summer is to seize the present moment with gratitude and wonder.

  • About this artist



    Patrick Piccinelli (1959) was born in Yverdon and lives in Autavaux. His pictorial works explore the visual dialogue between notions of structure and randomness in the search for a balance between minimalism and expressionism. He parasitizes with relish his minimal paintings. He is a graduate of the University Of Art And Design Lausanne, Switzerland( ECAL), a highly reputed art school, where he worked particularly with Jean Otth and Pierre Chevalley. His works have recently been acquired by collectors in the United States, Japan, Taïwan and Switzerland.

    "I am a painter, color fascinates me. For me, the status of painter is a great privilege! From the beginning of my research, at the end of my studies, I considered that a successful painting must be like a joyful feast for the eyes of the viewer. My goal is unusual beauty, aesthetic astonishment. These elements persist through-out the years and are the foundation of my artistic work. However, the search for greater simplicity has evolved, in order to communicate in the most intense way with the fewest possible elements!

    I am interested in the visual dialogue between the notions of structure and randomness. This particular field of expression is explored by contemporary jazzmen who improvise (the random) within a melody (the chromatic composition) and a rhythm (the geometric structure)."

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