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candy girl
candy girl
candy girl
candy girl
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Image of your art work hanging on the wall
Image of your art work hanging on the wall
Image of your art work hanging on the wall
Image of your art work hanging on the wall

candy girl


W 38.00cm x H 54.50cm x D 0.10cm

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    Painting (Acrylic painting)


    Original Artwork






    A woman you can't take your eyes off of in awe.

  • About this artist



    We know nothing. One by one we know nothing. Not the time frame, not even the face. What is being? To what extent is it "I" when matter changes? I wanted to meet myself. However, I cannot meet myself because I am myself. I am aware that I am myself, but how can I truly know what I am, why I am here, and how I can truly know the moment? The events that stir my emotions are as vivid as if they were happening right now through my memory, and I can touch the process of my formation and the time axis of my life. Inspired by the memories of daily feelings and real experiences, the artist examines the place of one's existence (the place of existence of "face") from the perspective of life and death and one's relationship with others and oneself, and expresses various faces in the form of mental images while questioning the differences in visual perception of events, ideas, memories, and climates. If humans and other living creatures were one, we would not be aware of "faces. If there were only one, love would have a form that does not exist today. What is oneself, and to what extent is one oneself? Why am I here? When will I meet myself? What is the energy to live? What is solitude? Consciousness, emotion, thought, mind and body are one, but we can only understand them through our senses.

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