Set in the metropolis of Tokyo, the film is a cynical yet positive expression of contemporary society. Plastic is synonymous with mass production and mass disposal, and the CO2 emitted from its incineration has become a social problem because it causes global warming. In this work, the artist cynically expresses the modern society based on mass production and mass disposal by creating the city of Tokyo (Shibuya) out of plastic waste. Then, by implanting a film of color on top of the monochrome world, he showed a shift in the course of events. Our civilization is like a double-edged blade. However, the fundamental essence of humanity as a built-in organism continues to urge us forward even in this predicament. Therefore, the world that has lost its color will be repainted with vivid colors every moment. I put such a prayer into this work.
There is no frame, but a metal fixture and string are attached to the back of the work for hanging on the wall.