“Ora pro nobis peccatoribus”, mixed technique on wood, cm. 21 x 29.7 x 0.7; painted, signed, with stamp and certificate of authenticity on the back
"" Ora pro nobis peccatoribus "is truly a work that does not go unnoticed. The subject is religious, made on an untreated wooden tablet. The subject is treated with sobriety and vigor. It depicts the Madonna and Child Jesus. The writing follows the title, taken from "Ave Maria", and is definitely explanatory. The face of the Virgin in fact expresses a profound suffering, deriving from the evil done by men, which transpires softened by holding her Son in her arms. The child's face appears absorbed and reveals a conscious serenity. Note the beautiful, extremely delicate touch between the hands of the Mother and the Son. The whole expresses a silence full of love "(G.Y.H.T.)