A series of works inspired by the Japanese card game "Hanafuda". This work expresses the role of "Aotan," a collection of three blue tanzaku cards. The "Aotan" game, in which three blue tanzaku cards are collected, expresses the love between a man and a woman and the swaying tanzaku cards along with peonies, chrysanthemums, autumn leaves, and flowers representing the seasons. A series of artworks based on the Japanese card game "Hanafuda. Alongside seasonal flowers such as peonies, chrysanthemums, and autumn leaves, the piece expresses the swaying paper strips and the love between a man Alongside seasonal flowers such as peonies, chrysanthemums, and autumn leaves, the piece expresses the swaying paper strips and the love between a man and a woman. In order to protect the artwork, we recommend framing it in a box frame after purchase. *In order to protect the artwork, we recommend framing it in a box frame or similar after purchase.