Halo (halo hi-ga-sa) is a rainbow-like circle of light that appears around the sun. Although this is a different expression from the original halo of light, I created this piece with the image of rainbow colors surrounding it. This "stringart" is made by attaching an interior sheet to a board, nailing it down, and hanging a thread over it. The artist enjoys the beauty of the straight lines, curves, and shadows created by the string, board, and nails. There is a suitable distance to view the work, and when the distance is changed slightly in front of the work, the pattern suddenly seems to appear as if there were pins and needles. The impression also changes depending on the way the sun shines and the time of day when you look at it. The artist chooses the threads, boards, and nails of his/her favorite color to create the design of his/her choice. When you can hang it in a comfortable rhythm. When you look at what you have hung and feel a sense of comfort. When I finish one piece of work, I am always looking for the next one, and I never get tired of it, never run out of it. That is the kind of thread hanging I do.