A houseplant on the side of the road. The leaves had turned from green to orange in the winter. The plant's name is Dracaena. It is a tree of happiness. After researching, I found out that in Feng Shui, it is said to be a tree that cuts through evil. I painted it with my intuition feeling the energy of the circle. Dracaena is a good luck tree when placed at the entrance. I will be happy if the viewer can change their negative feelings. I painted this on watercolor paper, Sirius. The back of the paper is not very good, so I used drawing paper to back it up. Although this is a watercolor painting, it is sprayed with UV protection and screen protection semi-gloss. Material: Watercolor paint with high pigment content. Some acrylic paints are also used. Acrylic medium, transparent and uneven. I make my own blends of Japanese pigments. From my cataract-treated eyes, the colors may seem too bright, but I think they have also calculated the fading of the colors. I think they have also calculated the fading of colors, referring to the fading of dyes used in clothing fabrics and inks. I don't want to have a picture with color fading after 10 years. However, it is sensitive to light. Avoid direct sunlight.