3 minutes Art -Nobuo Ishii- A must-see artist in 3 minutes!In this issue, we will quickly introduce the charms of Nobuo Ishii, an artist who paints with humor and surrealism....
Seeing "Eating". The story of food in art. As Cervantes, the Spanish novelist and author of Don Quixote, said, "Bread is almost enough to bear sorrow. Life is91 x 117cm Missing one meal can ...
Exhibition: 蟷螂子「KAIJU-目醒め-」 9s Gallery is pleased to present "KAIJU - Awakening", a solo exhibition by Mantisuko from February 14 (Fri) to February 22 (Sat), 2025. Mantis in tokyo #12 "Reconstruction of Beauty Paintings"...
Exhibition: Hiroki Takeda "Ideal Life - Illusion of Symbiosis 9s Gallery is pleased to present Hiroki Takeda's solo exhibition "Ideal Life - Illusion of Symbiosis" from Saturday, 7/27/2024 to Sunday, 8/4/2024. Hiroki Takeda's work is based on the ideal of symbiosis between life and ...
INTERVIEW] Through Stuffed Toys, a Mixed Reality of Disgust and Cuteness: Hidehiko Iijima A stuffed rabbit with only its face painted black. The soft stuffed rabbit is surrounded by hard tree branches and straight concrete blocks, creating a fresh and...
Exhibition] Group Exhibition "UPDRAFT" Rising Artist from 100 people10 2023/24 9s Gallery is pleased to announce the group exhibition ""UPDRAFT" Rising Artist" from 5/18(Sat) to 6/1(Sat), 2024, featuring Mantis, Nakamitsuki, Tylakurka, Hidehiko Iijima, and Kai Inoue.