‘Geworfenheit’ meaning ‘thrownness’, as defined by Heidegger, confirming our existential condition. What has this to do with Pepsi ? Well you can’t drink Pepsi unless you exist, and if you exist your family may consist of 17 identical people, whether you like it or not. Just another one of those unsettling layers beneath the surface of ordinary life, as an impenetrable sequence.
[Part of a limited edition artwork sequence, 1 of only 8]
[Notes] My works are portals to strange and disturbing worlds which cannot be reached any other way. [For a more detailed explanation please check my writings online and videos on Youtube.]
[All artworks are printed on archive quality oyster paper and then professionally framed, with reinforced backing and museum standard acrylic/Perspex. The framing of the larger works alone costs around $2k. I personally supervise the production of each one.]