Untitled Memories is a series that I created in 2020 during the lockdown period. Some memories haunt one with feelings of sadness and loss. And some others rekindle feelings of belongingness, joy, and love. At times, we cannot categorize our memories into any particular emotion. I feel that there is a beauty when the logical mind is overpowered by the imaginative one - in this creative space, uncertainties and the unknown can be better experienced and expressed. The images in these series are unconnected - they were places I had visited or people I had met. I shot a photograph of the Dried Sunflower Field in South France in 1995. When I crossed that landscape, I fondly remembered Van Gogh's timeless painting. Almost 25 years later, I have reworked the image to create a particular mood. I attempt to reconnect with that familiar landscape and people, a remembrance of the invisible thread that unites us.