A movie is the collaboration of a group of people, primarily the cast and crew, working on a screenplay. During filming, many possible movies could be made. However, it is ultimately up to the director's two eyes to choose the final product. One "eye" is the camera lens, which determines what is filmed and for how long. The other "eye" is the director's imagination, which helps them decide how to edit the footage to create a specific storyline and atmosphere.
Skyler has created "we are the director's cut," a limited edition print suggesting that the process of making a film is similar to life. We shape the narrative and tone of our lives by selecting and interpreting our choices. For instance, the news and social media can influence our perspective on the nature and demeanor of life. However, both sources only provide a narrow selection of what is happening in the world, and our biases determine what we pay attention to and how we interpret it.
We are not living in a simulation created by technology, as depicted in "The Matrix." Instead, we are living in an interpretation created by our mind and heart - the director of our life.