This piece is the first of a 3 piece set of digital collage artworks exploring my journey through mind with meditation.
I have been formally and informally practicing meditation since I was about ten years old. In all my experience, I still encounter what is called the "Monkey mind", which is the completely uncontrollable flood of thoughts and feelings that come up when I first sit down to mediate. In over 20 years of practice, I still meet this monkey mind, and have only recently come to peace with it as I now realise it is part of the journey through mind. Even though it can feel irritating and hopeless, I now relinquish any control over it, and this has been liberating. "Monkey mind" and I are now friends...for now at least. This colorful abstract expressionist digital work expresses my joy of befriending this monkey mind.
The work was created with watercolor on paper, then scanned and layered repeatedly to give this chaotic yet joyous expression. As it is created digitally, there is no "original" except for when it is printed, then minted on the blockchain for the first time.