Tzarine" This captivating painting is a true immersion in the world of Slavic countries and Russia. In the center, a young woman wears a traditional headdress adorned with precious stones, captivating our gaze with her beauty and mystery. In the background, an imposing cathedral doorway transports us into a world imbued with spirituality and tradition. Around the young woman, two other female figures draw our attention. One is elegantly dressed, while the other is naked, adorned with pearl chains. Beside them, a wolf and a white owl seem to be watching over them, adding a touch of mystery to this bewitching scene. The orange frame with white polka dots adds a modern touch to this composition inspired by Slavic cultures. A work that is both traditional and contemporary, sure to arouse admiration and fascination, this is a photographic print with a lustrous finish and a high-quality fine-grain pebble texture. Dimensions: 51 x 51cm