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Things that make you feel good

Something that makes you burst

Make everyday life a fantasy

We are trying to visualize the "charm" that abounds around the world into something that can be seen at any time.

The works are photographs I have taken around the world, processed to show why I...
Things that make you feel good

Something that makes you burst

Make everyday life a fantasy

We are trying to visualize the "charm" that abounds around the world into something that can be seen at any time.

The works are photographs I have taken around the world, processed to show why I pressed the shutter button at that time. I have processed them in such a way as to convey their charm.
I hope you will feel the various atmospheres and light.

I have printed my own works, of course, but I have also processed them into lights and daily necessities.
I want people to carry light with them as a device to lift their spirits.


Something good vibes.

Something sparkle.

Something make your life like a fantasy world.

I'm doing express "the charm all over the world" in a physical dimention.

About my work , I took photos all over the world and I edit them to express their charm.

I create printed works and daily items even light using interior.
I would like you my works to be with you as you have lights.

Thank you.

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Find 10 original artworks & photographers by SAYO. Check out SAYO's profile, artwork prices, exhibition information, and buy art online.

“SAYO's Artworks”



USD 187.25 Year.2023 w31.50 x h41.50 x d4.00 cm


Sky Blue

USD 132.41 Year.2019 w23.50 x h32.50 x d3.50 cm



USD 220.69 Year.2023 w41.50 x h31.50 x d4.00 cm



USD 300.94 Year.2019 w41.50 x h31.50 x d4.00 cm


Yellow Earth

USD 147.13 Year.2019 w27.50 x h36.50 x d2.50 cm


「Snack Spoon」額入りアート+フィルム

USD 220.69 Year.2020 w41.50 x h31.50 x d4.00 cm


Art Light「Vivid Gold Fishes」

USD 1,471.28 Year.2023 w59.70 x h42.30 x d5.00 cm


City of Angels

USD 254.13 Year.2021 w31.50 x h41.50 x d4.00 cm


Art Light 金魚 gold fish

USD 387.88 Year.2021 w30.50 x h22.00 x d5.00 cm



USD 214.00 Year.2020 w31.50 x h41.50 x d4.00 cm


Price Range

USD $132 ~ $1,471


I have loved movies ever since I can remember and have been immersed in the world of images.

I love the atmosphere of foreign countries, and I wanted to put that atmosphere into my photographs.

I like things that make me feel good, shiny things and transparent things, and I wanted to embody th...
I have loved movies ever since I can remember and have been immersed in the world of images.

I love the atmosphere of foreign countries, and I wanted to put that atmosphere into my photographs.

I like things that make me feel good, shiny things and transparent things, and I wanted to embody the charm of the world.

I synthesize these things to create my works.

I have been through so many things in my life, from parent-child relationships to finances to higher education to relationships to my inner self.

No matter how many times I have been beaten down and knocked around, I have been able to stay pure in a way, partly because I am clumsy, but also because of the existence of art. I have been supported by art that has no standards, no hierarchy, no superiority or inferiority, and shines with pure light.

I hope that my creations can support people in such a powerful way.

Graduated from Kagawa University, Faculty of Education, Fine Arts Course
Graduated from Enbu Seminar's Visual Actor Course
Experienced photographer with over 300 companies
Numerous art exhibitions
2,022 years, Image Forum, Visual Art Course. I will also express myself in video.

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2019 かわさき市民美術展審査員特別賞
2019 かわさき市民美術展入選
2020 Mellow art award 2020 入選 多数 (アメリカ発信のアートAppのアワード)

Group Exhibitions

2020 ギャラリーかわしまにてグループ展開催
2020 かがわ・山なみ芸術祭参加

Solo Exhibitions

2021 下北沢 つむじ風さんにて個展開催。好評につき延長
2021 日本建築美術工芸協会 aaca BOX展 出展
2021 新宿 サナギ新宿にて個展開催 好評につき延期。2022年1月までとなる
2022 京都の美容室 YAYOI BRAINSさんにて個展中。6月末まで
2022 11月27日から南青山の美容室 NORAさんにて展示予定

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