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OHATA Kiminari



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OHATA Kiminari(大畑公成)


In recent years, I have been working mainly with abstract paintings using acrylic paint. I try to create paintings that are first and foremost interesting in my opinion of painting, including the ease with which they can be displayed, such as simply being pleasing to the eye or catching the attentio...
In recent years, I have been working mainly with abstract paintings using acrylic paint. I try to create paintings that are first and foremost interesting in my opinion of painting, including the ease with which they can be displayed, such as simply being pleasing to the eye or catching the attention of the viewer.

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I combine colors and shapes inspired by fragments of images from my daily life with material contrasts, such as the handling and combination of various paints, including blotches, thickness, blurring, and differences in texture.
The series is titled "colors on canvas" and suggests a way of perceiving the material elements of painting that focuses on the appearance of the paint itself, revealing that the image the viewer sees is a combination of the parts of the paint.
By doing so, he helps the viewer to move back and forth between the fragments of images and the structure and beauty of the composition of the material material, presenting the possibility of different ways of perceiving things through changing perspectives.

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Find 27 original artworks & painters by OHATA Kiminari. Check out OHATA Kiminari's profile, artwork prices, exhibition information, and buy art online.


“Colors on Canvas”

Using acrylic paint, he combines colors and forms inspired by fragments of images from everyday life with material contrasts, such as the blotting, thickness, blurring, and differences in texture of the paint, and attempts to combine the various ways of handling paint.


Colors on Canvas (TC-3)

USD 234.07 Year.2022 w27.30 x h27.30 x d2.50 cm


Colors on Canvas (TC-1)

USD 214.00 Year.2020 w27.30 x h22.00 x d2.50 cm


Colors on Canvas (TC-17)

Sold Out Year.2019 w22.00 x h16.00 x d1.60 cm


Colors on Canvas (TC-15)

USD 153.82 Year.2021 w19.00 x h24.00 x d2.00 cm


Colors on Canvas (TC-19)

Sold Out Year.2020 w18.00 x h18.00 x d2.00 cm


Colors on Canvas (TC-9)

USD 381.19 Year.2021 w38.00 x h45.50 x d2.50 cm


Colors on Canvas (TC-20)

USD 240.75 Year.2021 w33.30 x h24.20 x d2.50 cm


Colors on Canvas (TC-18)

USD 160.50 Year.2019 w22.00 x h22.00 x d2.00 cm


Colors on Canvas (TC-16)

USD 147.13 Year.2017 w22.70 x h15.80 x d2.00 cm


Colors on Canvas (TC-2)

USD 254.13 Year.2021 w33.30 x h33.30 x d2.50 cm


Colors on Canvas (TC-14)

USD 501.57 Year.2018 w45.50 x h53.00 x d2.20 cm


Colors on Canvas (TC-13)

USD 414.63 Year.2019 w38.00 x h45.50 x d2.20 cm


Colors on Canvas (TC-12)

USD 287.57 Year.2019 w33.30 x h33.30 x d2.20 cm


Colors on Canvas (TC-11)

USD 2,006.29 Year.2019 w80.30 x h80.30 x d3.00 cm


Colors on Canvas (TC-8)

USD 468.13 Year.2022 w53.30 x h45.50 x d2.50 cm


Colors on Canvas (TC-7)

USD 802.51 Year.2020 w50.00 x h60.60 x d2.50 cm


Colors on Canvas (TC-6)

USD 314.32 Year.2020 w41.00 x h41.00 x d2.50 cm


Colors on Canvas (TC-5)

USD 401.26 Year.2020 w45.50 x h45.50 x d2.50 cm


Colors on Canvas (TC-4)

USD 468.13 Year.2022 w53.30 x h45.50 x d2.50 cm


Colors on Canvas (TC-10)

USD 2,140.04 Year.2022 w91.00 x h72.70 x d3.00 cm

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“Colors on Paper”

This series has a little more specificity in motifs and depictions than the canvas works.


Colors on Paper (TP-7)

USD 280.88 Year.2022 w50.70 x h38.60 x d0.10 cm


Colors on Paper (TP-1)

USD 153.82 Year.2022 w24.00 x h30.00 x d0.10 cm


Colors on Paper (TP-6)

USD 180.57 Year.2022 w28.50 x h37.60 x d0.10 cm


Colors on Paper (TP-2)

USD 153.82 Year.2022 w24.00 x h30.00 x d0.10 cm


Colors on Paper (TP-5)

USD 153.82 Year.2022 w24.00 x h30.00 x d0.10 cm


Colors on Paper (TP-4)

USD 153.82 Year.2022 w24.00 x h30.00 x d0.10 cm


Colors on Paper (TP-3)

USD 153.82 Year.2023 w24.00 x h30.00 x d0.10 cm

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Price Range

USD $134 ~ $2,140


Kiminari Ohata 1980 Born in Kyoto 1999-2003 Graduated from Kyoto University of Art and Design, Information Design Course 2006-2010 Graduated from University of Applied Arts Vienna, Painting Course (Malerei / Universität für Angewandte Kunst Wien) Solo Exhibition 2002 Gallery Sagittaza (Kyoto) 2003 G...
Kiminari Ohata 1980 Born in Kyoto 1999-2003 Graduated from Kyoto University of Art and Design, Information Design Course 2006-2010 Graduated from University of Applied Arts Vienna, Painting Course (Malerei / Universität für Angewandte Kunst Wien) Solo Exhibition 2002 Gallery Sagittaza (Kyoto) 2003 Gallery Sagittarius (Kyoto) 2004 Gallery Sagittarius (Kyoto) 2008 Galerie Praterstraße 15 (Vienna, AUSTRIA) 2011 Gallery Morning Kyoto (Kyoto) 2015 prinz (Kyoto) S.O.U./Violet and Claire ( Kyoto) 2016 Sanseidou Gallery (Kobe) Kousagisha Gallery (Kyoto) 2017 Sanseidou Gallery (Kobe) 2018 Sanseidou Gallery (Kobe) TeToTe (Amagasaki) 2019 Kousagisha Gallery (Kyoto) TeToTe (Amagasaki) Sanseidou Gallery (Kobe) 2020 Imagine Language Studio (Ashiya) 2021 Karuizawa New Art Museum (Karuizawa) Gecko cafe (Kakogawa) TeToTe (Amagasaki) 2022 So no uchi cafe SNC (Kyoto) Zazie hair (Osaka) Group Exhibition 2007 The Essence 07 (MAK, Vienna, AUSTRIA) 2008 Zimmer, küche, Kabinett vol.4 (Vienna, AUSTRIA) 2008 Rathaus Adventskalender 2008 (Rathaus Wien, Vienna, AUSTRIA) 2010 The Essence 07 (MAK, Vienna, AUSTRIA) Vienna, AUSTRIA) 2010 The Essence 10 (Künstlerhaus Wien, Vienna, AUSTRIA) 2017 Rotkäpchen mag bier (LLLLLLLi Vienna, AUSTRIA) Events 2013 Yamanashi Wine Art Auction (Tokyo) 2014 Fuji Art Auction (Yamanashi) 2015 ΔRete (wall painting / Kyoto) Thee Night Museum (live painting / Kobe) 2016 "Let's play with paints" (workshop / Kobe) Artist Talk ( Kyoto) "Art Market" (Art-Flohmarket / Kobe) 2018 "Green Fair" (Kinokuniya / Osaka) 2019 "Let's play with paints vol.2 Colors and images", Artist Talk (workshop / Kobe) 2020 "Making patterns - color and collage" (workshop / Ashiya) Ashiya) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ENGLISH- Kiminari OHATA 1980 born in Kyoto, JAPAN 1999-2003 Diprom / Information Design / University of Art and Design Kyoto 2006-2010 Diprom / Painting / University of Applied Arts Vienna Solo-Exhibition 2002 Gallery ITEZA (Kyoto, JAPAN) 2003 Gallery ITEZA (Kyoto, JAPAN) 2004 Gallery ITEZA (Kyoto, JAPAN) 2008 Galerie Praterstraße15 (Vienna, AUSTRIA) 2011 Gallery Morning (Kyoto, JAPAN) 2015 Prinz (Kyoto, JAPAN) S.O.U./Violet and Claire (Kyoto, JAPAN) 2016 Sanseido Gallery (Kobe, JAPAN) Kousagisha Gallery (Kyoto, JAPAN) 2017 Sanseido Gallery (Kobe, JAPAN) 2018 Sanseido Gallery (Kobe, JAPAN) TeToTe (Tachibana, JAPAN) 2019 Kousagisha Gallery (Kyoto, JAPAN) TeToTe (Tachibana, JAPAN) Sanseido Gallery (Kobe, JAPAN) 2020 Imagine Language Studio (Ashiya,JAPAN) 2021 Karuizawa New Art Museum (Karuizawa,JAPAN) Gecko cafe (Kakogawa,JAPAN) TeToTe (Tachibana,JAPAN) 2022 Sonouchi -cafe SNC (Kyoto,JAPAN) Zazie hair (Osaka, JAPAN) Group-Exhibition 2007 The Essence 07 (MAK, Vienna, AUSTRIA) 2008 Zimmer, Küche, Kabinett vol.4 ( Vienna, AUSTRIA) 2008 Rathaus Advendkalener 2008 (Rathaus Wien, Vienna, AUSTRIA) 2010 The Essence 10 (Künstlerhaus Wien, Vienna, AUSTRIA) 2017 Rotkäpchen mag bier (LLLLLLi Vienna, AUSTRIA) Event 2013 Ymanashi-Wine Art Auction (Tokyo, JAPAN) 2014 Fuji Art Auction (Yamanashi, JAPAN) 2015 ΔRete ( Wall Painting / Kyoto, JAPAN) Thee Night Museum (Live Painting / Kobe, JAPAN) 2016 "Let's play with colors" (Workshop / Kobe, JAPAN) Artist Talk (Kyoto, JAPAN) JAPAN) "Art-Market" (Art-Flohmarket / Kobe, JAPAN) 2018 "Green Fair" Kinokuniya Osaka, JAPAN 2019 "Let's play with Colors vol.2", Artist Talk ( Workshop / Kobe, JAPAN) 2020 "Making patterns - colours and collages" (Workshop / Ashiya, JAPAN)

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