The ephemerality, the instability of the outside world, forces me to turn to the inner space. Still using the beauty of lines and shapes of real things, their color, I increasingly prefer in my works abstract, intricate, trying to leave only the harmony of color and shape. For me, pointlessness, the...
The ephemerality, the instability of the outside world, forces me to turn to the inner space. Still using the beauty of lines and shapes of real things, their color, I increasingly prefer in my works abstract, intricate, trying to leave only the harmony of color and shape. For me, pointlessness, the abstract structure of the space of the canvas gives complete freedom, where pure form is an endless variation of associations, enhanced by the emotional charge of the viewer. At the same time, in my recent "linear" work, I have tried to find the order of the structure of space through interpenetration, "pulsation," reflection and imaginary visualization of gravitational connections. Internal experience, in my opinion, is able to synthesize and reflect the inner need to embody (reflect) their own understanding of the world, their place in time coordinates, their premonitions and questions to the era, the search for balance, internal levers to balance.
The speed and instability of the outside world forces me to turn to the inner space. Still being attracted by the beauty of lines and forms of real speech, their colors, I more and more often give preference in my works to abstract, artifice, trying to preserve only the harmony of color and form. For me the objectlessness, abstract structure of the space of the canvas gives complete freedom, where the pure form is an infinite variation of associations, intensified by the emotional charge of the viewer. At the same time, in my last "line" works I tried to find the order of space structure through the interpenetration, "pulsation", reflexions and evident visualization of gravitational links. In my opinion, the inner experience is able to synthesize and reflect the inner necessity of the own understanding of the world, one's place in the clock coordinates, one's feelings and questions to the epoch, the search for equilibrium, the inner valuables for balancing.