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Nick Fudge

Nick Fudge


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Nick Fudge


Nick Fudge is a conceptual artist, painter & digital artist. Fudge is a digital pioneer having worked with new media technologies since 1994. Two significant contributions of works anticipated the emergent theoretical fields of digital materialism and media archaeology.

Fudge lists his (unprinted...

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Nick Fudge (1961, London, UK) is associated with the YBA (Young British Artist) generation. He is often described as a radical, unconventional & elusive artist - a “rebel” according to Times Arts Correspondent, Jack Malvern. From the start, in a truly avant-garde move, he turned his back on his Gold...

Group Exhibitions

2021 Digital Divide II (Painting in the Age of New Media) - HilbertRaum, Berlin. Nick Fudge | Andreas Lau | Enda O'Donoghue | Römer + Römer | Sandra Schlipkoeter
2020 Digital Divide (Painting in the Age of New Media) - Kunstverein Speyer, Germany. Nick Fudge | Andreas Lau | Römer + Römer
2019 Four Artists - Jardín Nazari - Vélez de Benaudalla, Granada, España
2016 Borderlands - Albus 3 Arts, Northampton.
2016 Self Comes to Mind - Electro Studios, St Leonards-on-Sea.
2015 Obscured by Clouds - Observer Building, Hastings. Nick Fudge | Phil King
2015 Die Lichtenberg Norm - Zwitscher Maschine, Berlin​
2014 王欣 The Gallery (Curated by​ Wan Xin) - Westbund Art & Design Fair, Shanghai
1992 Karsten Schubert Ltd - Nick Fudge | Sarah Lucas | Mat Collishaw | Keith Coventry | Tobias Eyferth. Organised by Michael Landy

Solo Exhibitions

2018 Undo Redo Return (Curated by Daniel Lancaster & Jeremy Akerman) - HSBC HQ, Canada Water,London
2016 Reality Drive:Escape Velocity - Fitzrovia Gallery, London
2016 Reality Drive - Observer Building, Hastings
1994 Indeterminancy: The Displayed, the Hidden & the Unboxed (MFA Graduate show) - Temple University Gallery, Philadelphia

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