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Tomoni Shintaku

Tomoni Shintaku


Sales 1 Arts

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Tomoni Shintaku


I create art works that focus on the concept of food, based on my experience of studying at a culinary school and obtaining a cooking license following my graduation from a university of the arts. I experiment with familiar, everyday food like noodles and cake to critically portray modern life and s...
I create art works that focus on the concept of food, based on my experience of studying at a culinary school and obtaining a cooking license following my graduation from a university of the arts. I experiment with familiar, everyday food like noodles and cake to critically portray modern life and social issues in simple, and cynical fashion.

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Find 6 original artworks & painters by Tomoni Shintaku. Check out Tomoni Shintaku's profile, artwork prices, exhibition information, and buy art online.

“Tomoni Shintaku's Artworks”


Let's eat everyone (In 82 people: Lychee Delight, 30 SGD/22 USD, 15/6/2018)

USD 528.32 Year.2018 w45.50 x h45.50 x d2.50 cm


Let's Eat, Everyone (In 170 people)

USD 528.32 Year.2018 w45.50 x h45.50 x d2.50 cm


Mystery Meat (Cat: Color of the Year for 2016/PANTONE 13-1520 Rose Quartz)

USD 461.45 Year.2018 w45.50 x h35.50 x d3.50 cm


Mystery Meat (Poodle: Color of the Year for 2010/PANTONE 15-5519 Turquoise)

USD 535.01 Year.2018 w60.00 x h45.00 x d3.50 cm


BENTO-May 18, 2018 (Calories 733 kcal, Protein 20 g, Total Fat 32.8 g, Total Carbohydrate 85.7 g, Sodium 1.8 g / Ingredients; Rice, Wiener, Fried spinach and egg, Fried eggplant and okra, Carrot, Corn, Okra, Konjac, Broccoli, Cheese, Furikake (bonito), Vegetable oil, Soy sauce, Mirin-like seasoning, Sesame)

Sold Out Year.2018 w45.50 x h35.50 x d3.50 cm


BENTO-May 19, 2018 (Calories 631 kcal, Protein 19 g, Total Fat 20 g, Total Carbohydrate 88.6 g, Sodium 9 g / Ingredients; Rice, Eggs, Okra, Bacon, Chikuwa, Soy Sauce, Soup stoc, Mirin-like seasoning, Sugar, Sesame)

Sold Out Year.2018 w45.50 x h35.50 x d3.50 cm


Price Range

USD $461 ~ $535


1982 Born in Hiroshima, Japan
2005 Bachelor of Fine Arts Kyushu Sangyo University, Fukuoka
2013 Shinjuku Culinary Institute, Tokyo
Currently Living in Los Angeles
1982 Born in Hiroshima, Japan
2005 Bachelor of Fine Arts Kyushu Sangyo University, Fukuoka
2013 Shinjuku Culinary Institute, Tokyo
Currently Living in Los Angeles

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