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Hiroaki EN



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Hiroaki EN(大明◎)


Why do you draw circles?" This is a question often asked. There are many reasons for this, but isn't it true that human beings are born from a circle? Egg, earth, sun, circle. I may have unconsciously sought such a "source of beginning" and arrived at this shape. And now, it is my purpose in life to...
Why do you draw circles?" This is a question often asked. There are many reasons for this, but isn't it true that human beings are born from a circle? Egg, earth, sun, circle. I may have unconsciously sought such a "source of beginning" and arrived at this shape. And now, it is my purpose in life to deliver this condensed "source" of life to your hearts. Thank you very much for your kind attention.

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Find 3 original artworks & mixed-media-artists by Hiroaki EN. Check out Hiroaki EN's profile, artwork prices, exhibition information, and buy art online.



The idea was "installation. Instead of painting everything by oneself, one places a work of art in order to create a space. The space decorated with the artwork will be made more beautiful. With this in mind, I created this work.



Sold Out Year.2022 w195.00 x h195.00 x d2.00 cm


Hello Peace

Sold Out Year.2018 w39.50 x h30.50 x d2.50 cm


Life x Science

Sold Out Year.2018 w38.50 x h47.50 x d6.00 cm



prSnt] → We create art based on the concept of "art that can be easily presented as a gift. prSnt" is a coined word that combines the words "print" and "present. Each work is accompanied by a "message," so please take a look at it as well. For unframed works, we recommend using the framing option. The frame is the "clothing" that connects the artwork to the recipient and the room in which it will be displayed. Please choose a frame that is suitable for the place where the work will be placed.


Price Range

USD $95 ~ $475


The tools he uses have changed since his childhood: pencil, mechanical pencil, ballpoint pen, comic pen, computer/pen tablet, acrylic paint, airbrush, oil paint, and so on. He has been fascinated with drawing since his childhood and taught himself to draw in junior high and high school. At first, he...
The tools he uses have changed since his childhood: pencil, mechanical pencil, ballpoint pen, comic pen, computer/pen tablet, acrylic paint, airbrush, oil paint, and so on. He has been fascinated with drawing since his childhood and taught himself to draw in junior high and high school. At first, he drew cartoons, but the small size of the canvas was too much for him, so he shifted his passion to canvas size 200. Eventually, drawing alone was not enough, and he began to diversify his activities. Now, based on his artistic experiences, he teaches children and their parents how to "create life like creating art" through his painting classes.

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2009 「アートスクランブル19賞」(ライブペイント)at 多治見市文化会館
2012 「新人賞」&「杜稜賞」第64回 三軌展 at 国立新美術館
2013 「会友推挙」第65回 三軌展 at 国立新美術館/愛知県美術館
2013 「新人賞」(エアブラシ部門新創)第39回 現創展 at 東京都美術館
2014 「クサカベ賞」&「会友推挙」第40回 現創展 at 東京都美術館
2015 「会員推挙」第41回 現創展at 東京都美術館
2016 「アートデザインセンター賞」第68回 三軌展 at 国立新美術館

Group Exhibitions

2011 「CERO World friends」CANADAウィスラーにてライブパフォーマンス
2011 「G回路展」愛知県芸術文化センターのグループ展
2011 「新美南吉ウォールペイント」安城市の地域活性壁画事業
2012 「NewYork / OUCHI GALLERY 100人展」
2012 「上野の森美術館大賞展」
2012 JustArtProjectとしてJR岐阜駅「ACTIVE G」クリスマス装飾及びワークショップ
2012 「学校美術館」関市特別支援学校招待作家展
2014 クリエーターズマーケットvol.30 招待作家展
2016 「Next Epoch in KYOTO」京都市美術館
2017 「パリ・アートショッピング」フランス/カルーゼル・ドゥ・ルーヴル
2018 「RainbowChild2020」ライブペイント及び大規模作品展示
2018 Australia/Tweed Regional Gallery ライブペイント
2018 Australia/Nunyarra Festival ライブペイント
2019 「日中現代美術交流展」愛知県美術館
2022 「With Art」名鉄百貨店
2022 「アートマーケット2022」星ヶ丘三越
2022 「抽象画家と遊びませんか?」名古屋栄三越

Solo Exhibitions

2009 「試(始)展」at 愛知県高浜市レストラン温古舎
2010 「円援永縁展」at 岐阜県多治見市文化会館
2010 「円援永縁後展」at 岐阜県多治見市南姫公民館
2014 「大明◎」at 東京都銀座 個展BAR -ART-アル
2017 「大明◎企画展」at 岐阜県スキー場ダイナランド
2018 「大明◎Wold Exhibition in TAIWAN 01」at [草泥CAFE]Taipei TAIWAN
2018 「大明◎Wold Exhibition in TAIWAN 02」at [SofaStory]Taipei TAIWAN
2020 「大明◎展(安城市若手芸術家応援プログラム)」at 愛知県安城市民ギャラリー
2021 「アフター大明◎展」at 愛知県安城市アートギャラリー910
2021 「はじめまして、大明◎です展」at 愛知県名古屋市丸善名古屋本店

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