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One day, there was a couple in a movie theater. The couple was buying popcorn and talking about saving the movie ticket stub as a memory. However, they threw away the receipt for the popcorn they received. Why would they keep the movie ticket stub but throw away the receipt for the popcorn? I thou...
One day, there was a couple in a movie theater. The couple was buying popcorn and talking about saving the movie ticket stub as a memory. However, they threw away the receipt for the popcorn they received. Why would they keep the movie ticket stub but throw away the receipt for the popcorn? I thought that the accumulated images of someone's time and logs are creating wisps in our society. I wondered if it would be possible to recycle memories. I hope that in a few decades when receipts are gone, our life logs will become cultural materials and will have value in the near future.

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Find 1 original artworks & mixed-media-artists by VIKI. Check out VIKI's profile, artwork prices, exhibition information, and buy art online.

“VIKI's Artworks”


The blonde beauty smiles

Sold Out Year.2024 w42.00 x h29.70 x d2.00 cm


Price Range

USD $644 ~ $644


Media】 MBS "Art you'll want to buy in 20 seconds" Sold for 2,400,000 yen TBS "Akko ni Omakase! Nippon Television "Hirunandes! TOKYO MX TV "Barairo Dandy" NTV "Sekai Maruhinami! World Special Investigation Department", Nippon Television Network Corporation "Burari tochu-barai no tabi", COCOA Publish...
Media】 MBS "Art you'll want to buy in 20 seconds" Sold for 2,400,000 yen TBS "Akko ni Omakase! Nippon Television "Hirunandes! TOKYO MX TV "Barairo Dandy" NTV "Sekai Maruhinami! World Special Investigation Department", Nippon Television Network Corporation "Burari tochu-barai no tabi", COCOA Publishing "FA-magazinevo.57", International Pulp and Paper Trading "TSUNAGUvol.34", "Japan Times", Interview

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2020 「第14回藝大アートプラザ大賞」準大賞
2020 「三菱商事アート・ゲート・プログラム」
2019 「アートオリンピア 2019」学生部門入選 国内6位
2019 「コミテコルベールアワード2019」入賞
2019 「IndependentTokyo2019」染谷琢 賞
2018 「UNKNOWN/ASIA2018」 曽根 裕 賞

Group Exhibitions

2023 「紙の不思議展 ペーパーマジック」(浜田市世界こども美術館/島根) 収蔵
2023 「ART FAIR GINZA」(銀座三越/東京)
2023 「Xenos#2」(gallery fu/神奈川)
2023 「tagboat Art Fair2023」
2022 「エピソードone次世代アーティスト16人展」(阪急うめだ/大阪)
2022 「Xenos」(gallery fu/神奈川)
2022 「アートフェア東京2022」ボヘミアンズ・ギルド(国際フォーラム/東京)
2022 「tagboat Art Fair 2022」
2022 「TAGBOAT ART SHOW」 (阪急メンズ/東京)
2022 「第70回東京藝大卒業・修了作品展」
2021 「SHIBUYA STYLE vol.15」(西武渋谷/東京)
2021 「図鑑展ワンダーランド!」 (藝大アートプラザ/東京)
2021 「The Prize Showー藝大アートプラザ大賞受賞者招待展ー」(藝大アートプラザ/東京)
2021 「tagboat Art Fair 2022」
2020 「100人10」
2019 「アート解放区」(TENOHA代官山/東京)
2019 京急百貨店(京急百貨店6階/神奈川)
2019 「六本木アートナイト2019」 (六本木ヒルズウエストウォーク2F /東京)

Solo Exhibitions

2023 「Chained Butterflies」(デザインフェスタギャラリー原宿/東京)
2023 「Second skin」(ギャラリー自由が丘 / 東京 )
2022 「Face of Face」(gallery fu/神奈川)
2022 「Unconscious Mirror」(ギャラリー自由が丘/東京)
2021 「change the scape」(CROSS OVER神楽坂/東京)
2021 「この人、さがしてます。」(ギャラリー自由が丘/東京)
2021 「#君って、、、」(TAKU SOMETANI GALLERY/東京)
2020 「NarrativeFragmentsもうひとつの、あなたと、わたしと、せかい」(ギャラリー自由が丘/東京)
2019 「TSUNAGU GALLERY くらしの記憶」(国際紙パルプ商事1Fエントランス/東京)
2018 横浜髙島屋(髙島屋6階/神奈川)
2018 「ユトリエ」(博多阪急/福岡)

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