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Yuki Kashiwagi



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Yuki Kashiwagi(柏木優希)


He creates works on the theme of decomposition and reconstruction. The smallest unit of digital image representation, the pixel (dot), is chosen as an expression when the information of a motif is decomposed, and developed as a woodblock print work. His main works are composed of a grid of pixel pat...
He creates works on the theme of decomposition and reconstruction. The smallest unit of digital image representation, the pixel (dot), is chosen as an expression when the information of a motif is decomposed, and developed as a woodblock print work. His main works are composed of a grid of pixel patterns. He also develops installation works as an extension of these works. The works, which are originally contained in the size of a sheet, are created with the image of spreading them over the entire space. The work is based on the motif of the space itself, which is reconfigured and replaced by the motif of the space itself.

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“Yuki Kashiwagi's Artworks”



USD 78.98 Year.2024 w22.70 x h22.70 x d2.00 cm


Price Range

USD $79 ~ $79


1991 Born in Shizuoka, Japan 2014 Graduated from Musashino Art University, Department of Oil Painting, Printmaking 2016 Completed Graduate School of Art and Design, Musashino Art University, Printmaking Course 2019 External Lecturer, Toyo Institute of Art and Design 2020 Assistant Professor, Musashi...
1991 Born in Shizuoka, Japan 2014 Graduated from Musashino Art University, Department of Oil Painting, Printmaking 2016 Completed Graduate School of Art and Design, Musashino Art University, Printmaking Course 2019 External Lecturer, Toyo Institute of Art and Design 2020 Assistant Professor, Musashino Art University, Correspondence Course 2022 Assistant Professor, Art and Design, Junior College, Kiryu University ◾️ Collection 2017 Han Bis Print Museum International Collection ◾️ Workshop Instructor 2016 Woodblock Print Workshop / University of Melbourne, Australia (Melbourne) 2019 Woodblock Print Workshop from your phone / 3331 Arts Chiyoda Tokyo (organized by the Japan Committee of the International Woodblock Print Association, a non-profit organization) ◾️ Published 2021 "Print Geijutsu No. 193" "[Special feature] New Trends of Woodblock Prints" with works and interview (Abe Publishing Co., Ltd.)

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2014 「第9回大野城まどかぴあ版画ビエンナーレ・大野城まどかぴあ賞」大野城まどかぴあ(福岡)
2017 「国際木版画会議2017 ハワイ・審査委員賞」ハワイ大学マノア アートギャラリー(アメリカ・ハワイ州)

Group Exhibitions

2013 「全国大学版画展」町田市立国際版画美術館(東京)
2014 「武蔵野美術大学 平成25年度 卒業・修了制作展 」武蔵野美術大学(東京)
2014 「版画ってあれでしょ?小学校のときにやった板を彫るやつ。」 ギャラリーユキシス(東京)
2014 「ムサビる 2014」東大和第五中学校(東京)
2014 「理化学研究所展示プロジェクト2014」 理化学研究所横浜キャンパス 神奈川
2014 「そらに耳をつける」ギャラリー・ルデコ(東京)
2014 「日本版画協会 第82回版画展」東京都美術館(東京)
2015 「第9回 飛騨高山現代木版画ビエンナーレ」高山市民文化会館(岐阜)
2014 「ムサビる 2014」東大和市立第五中学校(東京)
2015 「武蔵野美術大学×ISETAN ~U-35 若手クリエイターによる アート・デザインの現在~」伊勢丹新宿店(東京)
2015 「Flowing World: Contemporary Japanese Woodcut」Museum of China Academy of Art(中国・杭州)
2016 「武蔵野美術大学 平成27年度 卒業・修了制作展」武蔵野美術大学(東京)
2016 「MAUCC Staff Exhibition [+OB]」東急吉祥寺店(東京)
2016 「ワンピースとタイツ展」クラークギャラリー+SHIFT(札幌)
2016 「fragile story: Travelling Exhibition of 10 Mokuhanga」メルボルン大学 VCA内ギャラリー(オーストラリア・メルボルン)
2017 「Views of Contemporary Japanese Printmaking」ハンビス市版画館(キプロス)
2018 「THE FACTORY [Part 1]」ギャラリーSHIMIZU(神奈川・横浜)
2021 「First contact 木版画家から、はじまるMOKUHANGA展」オンライン展示
2021 「view point」 HIROSHIGE GALLERY(東京・恵比寿)
2021 「助教・助手展2021 武蔵野美術大学助教・助手研究発表」武蔵野美術大学美術館(東京)
2023 「第66回 CWAJ 現代版画展」代官山ヒルサイドフォーラム(東京)

Solo Exhibitions

2018 「- starting ” Pixel / Point ” -」櫟画廊(東京・銀座)
2023 「柏木優希個展 木版画とインスタレーション」PENSEE GALLERY(群馬)

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