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Midori Suzuki



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Midori Suzuki(鈴木美登里)


Title: Flower of Life With the daily threat of viruses and war, the least I could do was to send a little love to many people through my artwork. This painting depicts a place that has burned down and is beginning to regenerate with a new flame of life.
Title: Flower of Life With the daily threat of viruses and war, the least I could do was to send a little love to many people through my artwork. This painting depicts a place that has burned down and is beginning to regenerate with a new flame of life.

Find 11 original artworks & painters by Midori Suzuki. Check out Midori Suzuki's profile, artwork prices, exhibition information, and buy art online.

“Midori Suzuki's Artworks”



USD 658.15 Year.2024 w31.80 x h41.00 x d1.50 cm



USD 658.15 Year.2024 w31.80 x h41.00 x d1.50 cm



USD 1,974.46 Year.2022 w100.00 x h80.30 x d2.50 cm


Beautiful World

USD 2,632.62 Year.2022 w116.70 x h90.90 x d2.50 cm



USD 1,974.46 Year.2023 w100.00 x h80.30 x d2.50 cm



USD 1,974.46 Year.2024 w80.30 x h100.00 x d2.50 cm



USD 1,974.46 Year.2023 w100.00 x h80.30 x d2.50 cm



USD 1,645.39 Year.2023 w53.00 x h45.00 x d2.00 cm



USD 1,645.39 Year.2023 w53.00 x h45.00 x d2.00 cm


 Where the Soul Goes 2

USD 5,923.39 Year.2023 w72.70 x h91.00 x d2.50 cm


Where the Soul Goes 1

USD 5,923.39 Year.2023 w72.70 x h91.00 x d2.50 cm


Price Range

USD $658 ~ $5,923


Born in Ibaraki, Japan in Sogetsu School, a member of Japan International Artists' Association. Currently resides in Tokyo. Has won prizes in various drawing and painting competitions since junior high school. Entered Nagoya University of Arts in 1994, majoring in Western painting. Exhibited "Flower...
Born in Ibaraki, Japan in Sogetsu School, a member of Japan International Artists' Association. Currently resides in Tokyo. Has won prizes in various drawing and painting competitions since junior high school. Entered Nagoya University of Arts in 1994, majoring in Western painting. Exhibited "Flowers" and "Mixed Ai" at the graduation exhibition. After graduating from the university, worked as an exterior garden designer for two years from 2004. He has been involved in the landscaping design of several residences. In September 2012, he became a member of Sogetsu Iemoto Kenkyukai, and in January 2018, he became a member of Iemoto Kenkyukai, and is currently a first-class teacher and permanent general manager of Sogetsu School.

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1988 第25回 中学生海の図画コンクール 銀賞
1989 第27回中学生海の図画コンクール 金賞
1989 財団法人朝日生命全国児童生徒絵画コンクール 秀作
1989 第26回中学生海の図画コンクール 銀賞
1990 全国中学校海の図画コンクール 奨励賞
2021 第22回日本.フランス現代美術世界展入選(国立新美術館)
2022 第23回 日本、フランス現代美術展 入選

Group Exhibitions

2023 3331 Arts Chiyodaにて今だから造形花展覧会

Solo Exhibitions

2015 草月いけばな展(日本橋高島屋)
2016 草月いけばな展(日本橋高島屋)
2017 草月いけばな展(日本橋高島屋)
2018 草月いけばな展(日本橋高島屋)
2018 鉄花器オリンピックいけばな展(草月会館、イサム・ノグチの石庭)
2018 いけばなインターナショナル会員による迎え花合作(KKRホテル東京)
2018 いけばなインターナショナル会員によるいけばな展(KKRホテル東京)
2018 草月いけばな展(玉川高島屋SC)
2019 第101回 草月いけばな展(草月会館)
2020 いけばなインターナショナルフェア(ロイヤルパークホテル)
2021 家元継承20周年記念草月いけばな展、創造の空間2021 TOKYO
2022 花のブリュード 草月会館
2021 第22回日本.フランス現代美術世界展(国立新美術館)
2022 東京世界展 ランブイエ2022 個展部門
2022 第23回 日本、フランス現代美術展 (国立新美術館)
2022 第103回草月いけばな展(日本橋高島屋)
2023 いけばなインターナショナル花展(東京芸術劇場)
2023 バスティーユ・デザイン・センターにて Tokyo 世界展 - パリ2023 個展部門

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